Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Paul Lynch -British Consulate-General - Houston
October 28, 2009
Dear Sharon (and the British Consulate) PAUL LYNCH
Greg Abbot Office worked with billionaire attorney John M. O'Quinn and retaliated on Melinda "Lindy Harrison" Honerkamp. Lindy met an unlawful death due the misrepresentations and fraud in litigation. Attorneys Karen Matlock at the OAG and ex- DPS trooper Charles Soechting (attorney for O'Quinn) used a series of events and other lawyers ( attorneys Larry Mayo and Leona Fillis ) to achieve the unauthorized court operations and number 67 motions filed in court case number 4:03-CV-HO-02395 like guns and clubs. When Lindy realized that Texas Attorney General Karen Matlock [512- 463-2080/512-495-9139] had violated the Rules of Professional Conduct NOT to protect the RICO VICTIMS and add to the other violations of Rules of Professional Conduct, racketeering, and the tampering of governmental computers Lindy threaten to contact (Amy) at Judge Werlein JR Office- Lindy met an unlawful death two days later August 5, 2005. ( this is a lawsuit where I had sued the City of Jersey Village ETAL and not my husband in his official capacity - he was a trooper who had been off duty since Oct 20, 2000 when the false arrest incident occurred 2/18/2001 and he was in the midst of retiring from Texas DPS when I sued him for divorce in district court in his individual capacity, and the City of Jersey Village ETAL including officer David M. Lawrenz who physically attacked me in my living room 2/18/2001 ) as a result I spent over 35 days in two Texas Jails and was extradited across Texas to Travis County for Unlicensed Investigations in a federal court - in addition ordered to wear an ankle monitor due to a subsequent arrest 5/29/2001 i.e. the drive by arrest . That seems like a lot but not really when you see Lindy was indicted for saying "So what" in Washington County. (See so what attachment)
Lindy (my neighbor lived 4 blocks away) was a federal information source (see Ron Woods’s letter). and provided criminal evidence due to former Texas Speaker of the House Gus Mutscher was harming actually innocent citizens and stealing money in another economic scam similar to the Sharps town Stock Bank Fraud Scandal, but this time in Washington County, and Lindy provide a bevy of criminal information and other evidence at her deposition which the City of Jersey Village requested and scheduled but for the sole purpose to advance illegitimate court operations and NOT pursuant to the order of the court but to further a more insidious scheme and while doing so enjoy the 'billable hours' for corrupt operations that violated the Rules of Professional Conduct, and covered up the crimes related to TCIC.NCIC data base tampering and the investigation at Keel’s office 9.93441. (See Capias doc). Texas Municipal League for their client, City of Jersey Village hired a Hollywood actor/sometimes producer in a federal court case to obstruct justice who used all of his skills in the film industry (Ben Plaut) with the Texas Attorney General Karen Matlock, and conspired with a videographers to secure the successfulness of tampering with evidence in the "got it " photo art of a "canister of mace" to advance the perjury of officer David M. Lawrenz. (See DL # 27 below).
October 6, 2009 Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (in person )advised Dr Shirley Pigott M.D. he would direct Robert Allen to investigate the intergovernmental and interagency fraud connected to my allegations about the unlawful death Lindy endured and as those similar allegations related to the false arrest Dr. Shirley endured due to the Texas DPS troopers Alfred Ochoa and his supervisor Terrenes who terrorized Dr. Shirley on Hwy 59 when she was driving on Hwy 59 to a Houston Airport to attend a medical conference with other Texas doctors in Chicago and was in the midst of long term negotiations about matters connected to the practice of medicine v the business of medicine with other Texas doctors who she had found to be unethical and had compromised the practice of medicine over the business of medicine. Put another way, Dr. Shirley had discovered RICO and intergovernmental and inter divisional fraud , was accidentally driving 7-9 miles over the speed limit but now her entire career in peril via manufactured exigent circumstances and accused in a Wharton County of not only fleeing but trying to murder not one but two Texas DPS troopers, and if you read about the unprofessional of Texas finest in the Deloitte Report published on the Texas DPS web site you will easily understand why that is one of the basis in fact and law to seek a motion to vacate the conviction- not to mention the abuse of office I witnessed Oct 8, 2009 while driving to meet with Roxanne Marek, pre- sentencing investigator.
I have detected and have an offer of proof in a series of Open Records Request from the Texas AG of a labyrinth of open records rules and the rules of civil procedure abused in such a fashion due by government lawyers [ Greg Abbott] addressing other records manufactured in advance ( work product) attached with knowingly false police reports to fashion an outcome that has been pre- ordained to harm an actually innocent citizen who report crimes in compliance of state and federal law but endure retaliation in violation of state and federal law unaware that the system in place for 'protection' [ Greg Abbott] is actually set up that when you follow the law to the letter and as it relates to public corruption crimes the reporter usually the victim sometimes an observer becomes the public corruption target [ of and protected by Greg Abbott] instead of the perpetrator who has abused his /her official position [ in this case Greg Abbott ETAL ] and the victim is set up to be repeatedly victimized by more officials[Greg Abbott] in a series of events framed up to officiate those who abuse their office [ Greg Abbott] and to conceal the abuse of office [ Greg Abbott] that was the Genesis i.e. the initial report to Greg Abbott and Andy Taylor and as it relates to the fraud of the Texas Board of Private Investigators Executive Director Cliff Grumbles ( Jay Kimbrough) and in the case 480-735 Unlicensed Investigations that had some limited success in the Third Court of Appeal and saved my substituted co- defendant represented by the O’Quinn Law Firm ( ex- trooper Charles Soechting ).
In the Fifth Circuit (Officer Ben Markos) speaks to the process of using two reports - one with the truth one without -- it a widely used practice here in Texas and unless you have some experience in dealing with two reports on one incident, it can get a little confusing for even those in law enforcement who oppose the practice like what my expert officer Andy Hunzicker has had to endure and has spent years tracking and documenting these illegal practices.
Mr. Abbott has adopted a posture that is not in compliance with court orders in a case where he has zero jurisdictions and absent the Tex. Const. Sec 41 and 55, except by faulty design / mechanics an improper motion, which is still absent the Tex. Const. Sec. 41 and 55. I am way past the damage aspect of this complaint, federal civil rights case and seeking that Greg Abbott be impeached and follow the footsteps no pun intended of Dan Morales for the material lies, misrepresentations in litigation in a case where Abbot is absent jurisdiction, tort interferences but most of all I want to file a qui tam and have him charged for his role in Lindy's unlawful death.
Seattle attorney Steve Burman wants to be 'friends' on the face book but that falls short - I need lawyers. I was wondering if you and Sharon would think about talking to him for me and Dr. Shirley and the other 120 or so RICO court victims that are attached to my name under a percolating Rule 60 (b) (6) because we need a big fat staff and I want attorney Burman to make Agent Ed Paul Wilson available to me and he knows why. Valorie Davenport did not withhold her client Al Johnson [also an arms dealer] and a RICO victim and that is how the federal court knows Cheryl Yates Webb was undercover private investigator but me and Lindy did not know it. Webb surreptitiously directs to me to hire James Supkis but Supkis was representing attorney Tom Fillion behind the scenes even though I was a plaintiff in a false arrest case due to the crimes of a Harris County Grand Jury (under then Judge Ted Poe) and later concealed in my FEDERAL COURT CASE as a measure to redirect Harris County crimes with Shelby Frittata Ranly but the subterfuge and malfeasances however odd solidify the attachment of Al Johnson to me and Lindy. Al has endured horrible oppression due to misrepresentations in litigation and the claims of Brent Salter explain in detail how Tom Fillion and other lawyers not only like him but are in business with him, professional services kill people- unauthorized but un prosecuted which has provided a level of security and a thought process that in inconsistent with common decency and people who live by the rules- and given half a chance they will kill again and on the other hand they are predators trolling to harvest the actually innocent and other citizens who have been set up, framed up by circumstances designed by a Machiavelli mind set and Texas is the model. Judge Emmett in Harris County is appalled but not at the offenders in public office but at the actually innocent who are trying to uphold the U.S. and Texas Const. like the Ibarra Bros. where Judge Hoyt found the opposing attorneys for Harris County ( the same one Greg Abbot represents behind the scenes) are impervious to the truth. Then Senators Rodney Ellis, Cohen, Gallegos, Hernandez, and Garrett Coleman write a letter to Greg Abbot asking him to investigate the same lawyers that are in my case, engaged in a plot to murder Lindy if they have to and they did when she threatened to contact Judge Werlein Jr. about Texas AG Karen Matlock that was violating the courts order. Do you think Senators Rodney Ellis, Cohen, Gallegos, Hernandez, and Garrett Coleman were just showboating or were serious about the request to investigate due process violations. If they were serious would they not hire an independent attorney or do you really think they are incompetent?
My biggest concern are the crimes that are continued against the actually innocent, the unsolved murders of others who report public corruption but are met with violence, the victims driven to mental illness by designed deprivations and other violations like going to jail for the "delivery of batman cereal and a blanket" including "dressing them (children) up and showing them off", or other serious violations i.e. "she made me eat broccoli" and the continued crimes against the Children of the State of Texas, and the child support division that Greg Abbott is so proud of - yet behind the scenes cover up the RICO crimes against the children, the unlawful deaths of their parents i.e. Ringo Ringo, Susan Carol Sherman and Melinda "Lindy Harrison" Honerkamp.
Not only does the state of Texas tamper with TCIC /NCIC /TLETS data bases to advance crimes, derelict to duty--- Greg Abbott does not even use the TCIC/NCIC/TLETS computers to solve crime and locate child support criminals /evaders in the Texas Prison System . That would make sense but instead keep on generating waste and abusing their positions with automatic mailing devices wasting hundreds of thousands in postage. The OFFER OF PROOF is the case example of Defendant Ronnie Andrew Holley, child support evader and ATF undercover 'federal information source' that the Houston ATF office adopted and again Plaintiff survived the interference of Cheryl Yates Webb who conspired with the Ronnie Holley against the Harris County RICO victims trying to survive the onslaught of continued subterfuge of the ATF agents /supervisors who lied to me about FBI Agent Ron Stern , but offered FBI Agent Al Tribble withholding of witnesses, and events from the 'investigation' in 282-A- HO-59712 in the 'investigation' he conducted March - June 2002 where the DOJ told me to get my own lawyer, and had Al Tribble filed a complete report or amended and correct his report, my damages would not continue but he has taken a position to uphold the O' Quinn and ignores the evidence and demeans mine and the others claims for injury, while Cher Barron federal court reporter omits the name of Charles Soechting's from the testimony of Cheryl Yates Webb who was pretending to be my witness and friend to successfully continue to execute a plan against Al Johnson ( actually innocent) who she set out to take a good man down is the way attorney Valerie Davenport sees it and that is what the evidence says and Cheryl does not dispute it.
Attorney Jerry S. Payne of Piney Point is correct about the main stream media so we are have to handle our own media relations with an iron fist and remove the velvet glove and be cautious of provocateurs is what Joe Olson says due to the evidence and my allegations that Phrogge Simons is a FRAUD but not Donna Ringo Ringo, Donna was GENUINE. In addition to the peril of a death row inmate, Baker and Botts , Carty's lawyers Michael Goldberg and Maryanne Lyons say have expended over 1 million dollars trying to help the woman (CARTY) on death row due to her lawyers misconduct Jerry Guerinot where Harris County RICO Victim Joe Olson has personal knowledge, an articulate experience former client with personal knowledge of the 'professional legal service' of Jerry Guerinot when he is before a state district court harvesting clients , small , large, old, young , innocent, guilty with rights, and can give the New Orleans Court, Baker and Botts credible evidence that Carty is one of us, a Harris County RICO victim [ her lawyers unaware] and that the State Bar of Texas has no intention in protecting an actually innocent citizen juxtaposed a lawyer connected to Judge James Squire due to the protection racket of billionaire attorney John M. O' Quinn -- see,,2218841,00.html and Baker and Botts better get a grip on that because John .M. 'Quinn is 1000 times bigger than them, and if they dig too deep - O'Quinn will start checking things in the Fifth Circuit and when that happens "private docket sheets" prevail and criminal evidence disappears like in my case with JVPD 'officer' Robert "Body armor" LaRouax - the lesson never underestimate Mr. Big Ball of Fire aka in the State of Florida ; T E X A S and that's Mister Texas to you and me, little missy!
Prosecutor Craig Goodhart, my department, 'attorney' Jerry Guerinot --Joe Olson's department un- ethical doctors , Beverly Thompson and Dr. Shirley know about that because I am just a mere "figurehead" and counted absent most of the time and especially when you see how Greg Abbott had a photograph of me published - see attached.
Finally attached is a picture of Dr. Shirley who was convicted in advance by Mari Robinson of the Texas Medical Board on March 24, 2009 (License No. F- 70543) due to her activism and reporting the RICO crimes just like me and Lindy. I would suggest the parties in the cc ask the Texas Medical Board for a copy of the same and you can easily see how the Daubert got thrown out with the window like bath water and as far as Mari Robinson at the TMB is concerned like Greg Abbot - to hell with the babies and children of Texas. Babies and children do not pay their salaries their dumb parents do as long as the harvesting is undetected, and with Walter Reid M.D. calling the shots like Dr. John Vernon Kinross Wright did with Lindy – and get Carolyn Ruffino to step off the bench and hide in a convent, and twenty five lawyers covering it up – like Paris Hilton says “That’s hot”. Government Code got Texas State Bar cooperating with ‘law enforcement ‘ pursuant to government code in this case, ‘ law enforcement’ is Texas finest Golden Derrick Nightclub owner Guy Marshall Caskey on a Rocket to be the DPS Commander of Special Crimes , Criminal Investigative Division , now a Special Retired Texas Ranger and a distinguished member of INTERPOL, the State Bar looks the other way and host other CLE events in San Antonio, twists off on some lawyer who substance abuse, and things still are looking pretty good for Texas RINO Governor Rick Perry and the Commissioner of the Texas Ethics Division, attorney Warren “Tom” Harrison, and I bet the new wife Travis County Attorney David Escamilla advised me that he saw Tom with the other day at a luncheon – that be number 8 wife has never been to San Antonio, Texas and you know that’s where Lindy’s son, Sherman Green Harrison told me and everybody else on the riverboat December 1995, “My daddy ‘s in the mafia”. His mother said, Sherman was dramatic but in this instance I miscalculated and dismissed Sherman’s remarks as drama but as you can see as the events have unfolded, and I come from being in the field I remember the English woman also known as the Barefoot Baroness, another Harris County RICO Victim striped of furs, and jewels in Harris County for ‘billable hours’. Her jeweler designer, I recall son rescued her from peril, and she returned to London.
October 28, 2009
Dear Sharon (and the British Consulate) PAUL LYNCH
Greg Abbot Office worked with billionaire attorney John M. O'Quinn and retaliated on Melinda "Lindy Harrison" Honerkamp. Lindy met an unlawful death due the misrepresentations and fraud in litigation. Attorneys Karen Matlock at the OAG and ex- DPS trooper Charles Soechting (attorney for O'Quinn) used a series of events and other lawyers ( attorneys Larry Mayo and Leona Fillis ) to achieve the unauthorized court operations and number 67 motions filed in court case number 4:03-CV-HO-02395 like guns and clubs. When Lindy realized that Texas Attorney General Karen Matlock [512- 463-2080/512-495-9139] had violated the Rules of Professional Conduct NOT to protect the RICO VICTIMS and add to the other violations of Rules of Professional Conduct, racketeering, and the tampering of governmental computers Lindy threaten to contact (Amy) at Judge Werlein JR Office- Lindy met an unlawful death two days later August 5, 2005. ( this is a lawsuit where I had sued the City of Jersey Village ETAL and not my husband in his official capacity - he was a trooper who had been off duty since Oct 20, 2000 when the false arrest incident occurred 2/18/2001 and he was in the midst of retiring from Texas DPS when I sued him for divorce in district court in his individual capacity, and the City of Jersey Village ETAL including officer David M. Lawrenz who physically attacked me in my living room 2/18/2001 ) as a result I spent over 35 days in two Texas Jails and was extradited across Texas to Travis County for Unlicensed Investigations in a federal court - in addition ordered to wear an ankle monitor due to a subsequent arrest 5/29/2001 i.e. the drive by arrest . That seems like a lot but not really when you see Lindy was indicted for saying "So what" in Washington County. (See so what attachment)
Lindy (my neighbor lived 4 blocks away) was a federal information source (see Ron Woods’s letter). and provided criminal evidence due to former Texas Speaker of the House Gus Mutscher was harming actually innocent citizens and stealing money in another economic scam similar to the Sharps town Stock Bank Fraud Scandal, but this time in Washington County, and Lindy provide a bevy of criminal information and other evidence at her deposition which the City of Jersey Village requested and scheduled but for the sole purpose to advance illegitimate court operations and NOT pursuant to the order of the court but to further a more insidious scheme and while doing so enjoy the 'billable hours' for corrupt operations that violated the Rules of Professional Conduct, and covered up the crimes related to TCIC.NCIC data base tampering and the investigation at Keel’s office 9.93441. (See Capias doc). Texas Municipal League for their client, City of Jersey Village hired a Hollywood actor/sometimes producer in a federal court case to obstruct justice who used all of his skills in the film industry (Ben Plaut) with the Texas Attorney General Karen Matlock, and conspired with a videographers to secure the successfulness of tampering with evidence in the "got it " photo art of a "canister of mace" to advance the perjury of officer David M. Lawrenz. (See DL # 27 below).
October 6, 2009 Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott (in person )advised Dr Shirley Pigott M.D. he would direct Robert Allen to investigate the intergovernmental and interagency fraud connected to my allegations about the unlawful death Lindy endured and as those similar allegations related to the false arrest Dr. Shirley endured due to the Texas DPS troopers Alfred Ochoa and his supervisor Terrenes who terrorized Dr. Shirley on Hwy 59 when she was driving on Hwy 59 to a Houston Airport to attend a medical conference with other Texas doctors in Chicago and was in the midst of long term negotiations about matters connected to the practice of medicine v the business of medicine with other Texas doctors who she had found to be unethical and had compromised the practice of medicine over the business of medicine. Put another way, Dr. Shirley had discovered RICO and intergovernmental and inter divisional fraud , was accidentally driving 7-9 miles over the speed limit but now her entire career in peril via manufactured exigent circumstances and accused in a Wharton County of not only fleeing but trying to murder not one but two Texas DPS troopers, and if you read about the unprofessional of Texas finest in the Deloitte Report published on the Texas DPS web site you will easily understand why that is one of the basis in fact and law to seek a motion to vacate the conviction- not to mention the abuse of office I witnessed Oct 8, 2009 while driving to meet with Roxanne Marek, pre- sentencing investigator.
I have detected and have an offer of proof in a series of Open Records Request from the Texas AG of a labyrinth of open records rules and the rules of civil procedure abused in such a fashion due by government lawyers [ Greg Abbott] addressing other records manufactured in advance ( work product) attached with knowingly false police reports to fashion an outcome that has been pre- ordained to harm an actually innocent citizen who report crimes in compliance of state and federal law but endure retaliation in violation of state and federal law unaware that the system in place for 'protection' [ Greg Abbott] is actually set up that when you follow the law to the letter and as it relates to public corruption crimes the reporter usually the victim sometimes an observer becomes the public corruption target [ of and protected by Greg Abbott] instead of the perpetrator who has abused his /her official position [ in this case Greg Abbott ETAL ] and the victim is set up to be repeatedly victimized by more officials[Greg Abbott] in a series of events framed up to officiate those who abuse their office [ Greg Abbott] and to conceal the abuse of office [ Greg Abbott] that was the Genesis i.e. the initial report to Greg Abbott and Andy Taylor and as it relates to the fraud of the Texas Board of Private Investigators Executive Director Cliff Grumbles ( Jay Kimbrough) and in the case 480-735 Unlicensed Investigations that had some limited success in the Third Court of Appeal and saved my substituted co- defendant represented by the O’Quinn Law Firm ( ex- trooper Charles Soechting ).
In the Fifth Circuit (Officer Ben Markos) speaks to the process of using two reports - one with the truth one without -- it a widely used practice here in Texas and unless you have some experience in dealing with two reports on one incident, it can get a little confusing for even those in law enforcement who oppose the practice like what my expert officer Andy Hunzicker has had to endure and has spent years tracking and documenting these illegal practices.
Mr. Abbott has adopted a posture that is not in compliance with court orders in a case where he has zero jurisdictions and absent the Tex. Const. Sec 41 and 55, except by faulty design / mechanics an improper motion, which is still absent the Tex. Const. Sec. 41 and 55. I am way past the damage aspect of this complaint, federal civil rights case and seeking that Greg Abbott be impeached and follow the footsteps no pun intended of Dan Morales for the material lies, misrepresentations in litigation in a case where Abbot is absent jurisdiction, tort interferences but most of all I want to file a qui tam and have him charged for his role in Lindy's unlawful death.
Seattle attorney Steve Burman wants to be 'friends' on the face book but that falls short - I need lawyers. I was wondering if you and Sharon would think about talking to him for me and Dr. Shirley and the other 120 or so RICO court victims that are attached to my name under a percolating Rule 60 (b) (6) because we need a big fat staff and I want attorney Burman to make Agent Ed Paul Wilson available to me and he knows why. Valorie Davenport did not withhold her client Al Johnson [also an arms dealer] and a RICO victim and that is how the federal court knows Cheryl Yates Webb was undercover private investigator but me and Lindy did not know it. Webb surreptitiously directs to me to hire James Supkis but Supkis was representing attorney Tom Fillion behind the scenes even though I was a plaintiff in a false arrest case due to the crimes of a Harris County Grand Jury (under then Judge Ted Poe) and later concealed in my FEDERAL COURT CASE as a measure to redirect Harris County crimes with Shelby Frittata Ranly but the subterfuge and malfeasances however odd solidify the attachment of Al Johnson to me and Lindy. Al has endured horrible oppression due to misrepresentations in litigation and the claims of Brent Salter explain in detail how Tom Fillion and other lawyers not only like him but are in business with him, professional services kill people- unauthorized but un prosecuted which has provided a level of security and a thought process that in inconsistent with common decency and people who live by the rules- and given half a chance they will kill again and on the other hand they are predators trolling to harvest the actually innocent and other citizens who have been set up, framed up by circumstances designed by a Machiavelli mind set and Texas is the model. Judge Emmett in Harris County is appalled but not at the offenders in public office but at the actually innocent who are trying to uphold the U.S. and Texas Const. like the Ibarra Bros. where Judge Hoyt found the opposing attorneys for Harris County ( the same one Greg Abbot represents behind the scenes) are impervious to the truth. Then Senators Rodney Ellis, Cohen, Gallegos, Hernandez, and Garrett Coleman write a letter to Greg Abbot asking him to investigate the same lawyers that are in my case, engaged in a plot to murder Lindy if they have to and they did when she threatened to contact Judge Werlein Jr. about Texas AG Karen Matlock that was violating the courts order. Do you think Senators Rodney Ellis, Cohen, Gallegos, Hernandez, and Garrett Coleman were just showboating or were serious about the request to investigate due process violations. If they were serious would they not hire an independent attorney or do you really think they are incompetent?
My biggest concern are the crimes that are continued against the actually innocent, the unsolved murders of others who report public corruption but are met with violence, the victims driven to mental illness by designed deprivations and other violations like going to jail for the "delivery of batman cereal and a blanket" including "dressing them (children) up and showing them off", or other serious violations i.e. "she made me eat broccoli" and the continued crimes against the Children of the State of Texas, and the child support division that Greg Abbott is so proud of - yet behind the scenes cover up the RICO crimes against the children, the unlawful deaths of their parents i.e. Ringo Ringo, Susan Carol Sherman and Melinda "Lindy Harrison" Honerkamp.
Not only does the state of Texas tamper with TCIC /NCIC /TLETS data bases to advance crimes, derelict to duty--- Greg Abbott does not even use the TCIC/NCIC/TLETS computers to solve crime and locate child support criminals /evaders in the Texas Prison System . That would make sense but instead keep on generating waste and abusing their positions with automatic mailing devices wasting hundreds of thousands in postage. The OFFER OF PROOF is the case example of Defendant Ronnie Andrew Holley, child support evader and ATF undercover 'federal information source' that the Houston ATF office adopted and again Plaintiff survived the interference of Cheryl Yates Webb who conspired with the Ronnie Holley against the Harris County RICO victims trying to survive the onslaught of continued subterfuge of the ATF agents /supervisors who lied to me about FBI Agent Ron Stern , but offered FBI Agent Al Tribble withholding of witnesses, and events from the 'investigation' in 282-A- HO-59712 in the 'investigation' he conducted March - June 2002 where the DOJ told me to get my own lawyer, and had Al Tribble filed a complete report or amended and correct his report, my damages would not continue but he has taken a position to uphold the O' Quinn and ignores the evidence and demeans mine and the others claims for injury, while Cher Barron federal court reporter omits the name of Charles Soechting's from the testimony of Cheryl Yates Webb who was pretending to be my witness and friend to successfully continue to execute a plan against Al Johnson ( actually innocent) who she set out to take a good man down is the way attorney Valerie Davenport sees it and that is what the evidence says and Cheryl does not dispute it.
Attorney Jerry S. Payne of Piney Point is correct about the main stream media so we are have to handle our own media relations with an iron fist and remove the velvet glove and be cautious of provocateurs is what Joe Olson says due to the evidence and my allegations that Phrogge Simons is a FRAUD but not Donna Ringo Ringo, Donna was GENUINE. In addition to the peril of a death row inmate, Baker and Botts , Carty's lawyers Michael Goldberg and Maryanne Lyons say have expended over 1 million dollars trying to help the woman (CARTY) on death row due to her lawyers misconduct Jerry Guerinot where Harris County RICO Victim Joe Olson has personal knowledge, an articulate experience former client with personal knowledge of the 'professional legal service' of Jerry Guerinot when he is before a state district court harvesting clients , small , large, old, young , innocent, guilty with rights, and can give the New Orleans Court, Baker and Botts credible evidence that Carty is one of us, a Harris County RICO victim [ her lawyers unaware] and that the State Bar of Texas has no intention in protecting an actually innocent citizen juxtaposed a lawyer connected to Judge James Squire due to the protection racket of billionaire attorney John M. O' Quinn -- see,,2218841,00.html and Baker and Botts better get a grip on that because John .M. 'Quinn is 1000 times bigger than them, and if they dig too deep - O'Quinn will start checking things in the Fifth Circuit and when that happens "private docket sheets" prevail and criminal evidence disappears like in my case with JVPD 'officer' Robert "Body armor" LaRouax - the lesson never underestimate Mr. Big Ball of Fire aka in the State of Florida ; T E X A S and that's Mister Texas to you and me, little missy!
Prosecutor Craig Goodhart, my department, 'attorney' Jerry Guerinot --Joe Olson's department un- ethical doctors , Beverly Thompson and Dr. Shirley know about that because I am just a mere "figurehead" and counted absent most of the time and especially when you see how Greg Abbott had a photograph of me published - see attached.
Finally attached is a picture of Dr. Shirley who was convicted in advance by Mari Robinson of the Texas Medical Board on March 24, 2009 (License No. F- 70543) due to her activism and reporting the RICO crimes just like me and Lindy. I would suggest the parties in the cc ask the Texas Medical Board for a copy of the same and you can easily see how the Daubert got thrown out with the window like bath water and as far as Mari Robinson at the TMB is concerned like Greg Abbot - to hell with the babies and children of Texas. Babies and children do not pay their salaries their dumb parents do as long as the harvesting is undetected, and with Walter Reid M.D. calling the shots like Dr. John Vernon Kinross Wright did with Lindy – and get Carolyn Ruffino to step off the bench and hide in a convent, and twenty five lawyers covering it up – like Paris Hilton says “That’s hot”. Government Code got Texas State Bar cooperating with ‘law enforcement ‘ pursuant to government code in this case, ‘ law enforcement’ is Texas finest Golden Derrick Nightclub owner Guy Marshall Caskey on a Rocket to be the DPS Commander of Special Crimes , Criminal Investigative Division , now a Special Retired Texas Ranger and a distinguished member of INTERPOL, the State Bar looks the other way and host other CLE events in San Antonio, twists off on some lawyer who substance abuse, and things still are looking pretty good for Texas RINO Governor Rick Perry and the Commissioner of the Texas Ethics Division, attorney Warren “Tom” Harrison, and I bet the new wife Travis County Attorney David Escamilla advised me that he saw Tom with the other day at a luncheon – that be number 8 wife has never been to San Antonio, Texas and you know that’s where Lindy’s son, Sherman Green Harrison told me and everybody else on the riverboat December 1995, “My daddy ‘s in the mafia”. His mother said, Sherman was dramatic but in this instance I miscalculated and dismissed Sherman’s remarks as drama but as you can see as the events have unfolded, and I come from being in the field I remember the English woman also known as the Barefoot Baroness, another Harris County RICO Victim striped of furs, and jewels in Harris County for ‘billable hours’. Her jeweler designer, I recall son rescued her from peril, and she returned to London.
Friday, August 21, 2009
August 21, 2009
Texas Attorney General
Greg Abbott
Public Information Office
General Counsel Davison
Mr. Reg Hargrove
Post Office Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711- 2548
Re: Open Records Request “C” for August 21, 2009 and demand for payment of COST plus attorney fees and expert fees and the firing of KAREN MATLOCK FOR CAUSE.
Mr. Hargrove:
The undersigned requestor has filed various complaints against attorney KAREN MATLOCK and her “special friends” [co-conspirators] under the RICO and common-law theories in court and with the OFFICE OF THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL and your office is reckless and negligent and has not fired KAREN MATLOCK as of this writing. This breach of duty is UNACCEPTABLE and TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL GREG ABBOTT is required by law to stop playing games because that is what he is doing and his actions personally meet the RICO statue of a criminal chain conspiracy and that his ‘governmental’ business practices are not authorized or mandated by anything other than self dealing- I intend to disgorge attorney fees paid to the government lawyers and any others who obstructed justice and came to a federal court case to exact RETALIATION and do effect the same ignored the Texas Constitution about a TEXAS DOUBLE STANDARD where KAREN MATLOCK “risked her law license” and is allowed by her continued employment further the criminal RICO chain conspiracy where she murder my friend, hurt my father and MY CHILDREN and that is just the tip of the ice berg.
Damages sought and intended to be sought treble damages under the RICO claims that included: (a) fraud on the court and obstruction of justice (b) mail and wire fraud, (c) receiving funds taken by fraud, (d) transporting persons to defraud among other related criminal activity including a bevy of state and federal violations. Common-law claims included: (a) fraud, (b) knowing participation in breach of fiduciary duty, (c) conversion, (d) theft, (e) conspiracy, and (f) negligence. Requested are documents connected to the resignation or the intent to fire attorney KAREN MATLOCK for cause and or for the professional misconduct described herein. Put another way; fire KAREN MATLOCL T O D A Y and provide me confirmation it will facilitate a settlement and immediately lessen the work load that I have intended for this office.
October 25, 2004 (at 67) KAREN MATOCK, David Talbot JR., Edward D. Burbach, and GREG ABBOTT violated the Texas Constitution and interfered in a federal civil rights case absent legal authority; (a) fraud, (b) negligence, (c) conspiracy to violate RICO, and (d) conspiracy to commit fraud, and those violations led to the murder of a federal witness namely Melinda “Lindy Harrison” Honerkamp. As you are aware requestor/plaintiff has provided this office ample opportunity via OPEN RECORDS ACT ( FOIA) to produce a basis in fact and law where there is a very good possibly your office wasted over twenty million dollars of state revenues to exact revenge and RETALIATE against two women [were not only married to state officials] but federal information sources one of which is recognized the other by confidential agreement and the OFFICE OF THE TEXAS ATTOREY GENERAL ignored its own opinion as it relates to dealing with federal information sources. (Emphasis added).
The Office of the Texas Attorney General posture to deny costs may be imposed directly on the party when the allegations lack factual support. Skidmore Energy, Inc. v. KPMG, 455 F. 3d 564, 568 (5th Cir. 2006). The demand for cost [not actual or punitive damages] to plaintiff and her witnesses are estimated to exceed $ 511,000.00 plus attorney fees and expert fees and your check for the same is demand TODAY. Please submit a copy of this Request for Cost of $ 511,00,00 to be paid through the appropriate channels and requested are documents where you have complied with the demand for payment of cost and the cost is estimated at 100.00 per day since the commencement of the State Bar of Texas grievance hearings attorney Betty Barrett Homminga Yarter and Carla Roberson Cummings- Texas poster child for lying and frivolous litigation, and the “unlicensed investigations” victim that was a licensed by the Texas Board of Private Investigators.
Melinda “Lindy Harrison” Honerkamp was a successful and proven federal information source – credible and this is not the case of some inept attorney filing pleadings without the client’s knowledge! KAREN MATLOCK actions were intended to harm and cause eventual death and her behavior is absent remorse and stayed the same even to this date where her continued denial is aiding and abetting the continued RICO criminal chain conspiracy described by the requestor in 4:03-CV-HO-02395 and 4:08-CV-HO-028. KAREN MATLOCK and the other co- conspirators should bear the costs she/they imposed on PLAINTIFF / REQUESTOR ETAL unnecessarily.
Requestor by OPEN RECORDS ACT requests costs- and your response is incomplete (emphasis added). These are the costs for the entire events albeit illegal connected to the “CAPIAS” client which commenced August 03, 1996 upon the issuance of a private investigator licensed to CHERYL YATES WEBB. KAREN MATOCK does not and cannot dispute the illegal dissemination or that she and the Texas Attorney General entered a court case to protect the illegal RICO business of billionaire attorney JOHN M.O’QUINN and neither move to prohibit the requestor’s investigation or speech.
Due to the illegal actions of KAREN MATLOCK the issue is whether her fees for professional services are reasonable under the circumstances and where ‘attorney’. Karen Matlock produced and examined thousands of documents, prepared for and attended several depositions, and responded to meritorious allegations of plaintiff /requestor since October 25, 2004 and even participated in a trial asking the court to introduce her as “just Karen Matlock” because that is what she preferred and she is still not fired is- NOT WORKABLE and in furtherance of the RICO chain conspiracy complained about – she is currently destroying government records and the offer of proof is in your responses to my request of document again -- NOT WORABLE.
The Texas Attorney General Office has been involved in litigation absent legal authority since October 25, 2004 –and that period has extended to over nearly five (5) years of litigation. All of the costs and fees requested are reasonable to learn and you have not produced them and or your production is incomplete and I am unable to calculate my damages, the damages to Lindy’s estate, the tort interference, and the qui tam reward attached to my name for the RICO court victims previously identified in 4:08-CV-HO-02395 (emphasis added).
KAREN MATLCOK’S lack of a proper foundation would have been disclosed by a reasonable investigation, careful of the facts, but she argued at my second deposition “the mark of a good prosecutor was to put actually innocent citizens/ people in jail and it has been detected KAREN MATLOCK is EVIL (emphasis added). KAREN MATLOCK’S claims her actions / illegal activity does not justify imposing costs on her and the Texas Attorney General ETAL- she and the TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL – ARE WRONG.
KAREN MATLOCK reliance on her faulty investigation and ‘professional’ illegal billable hour program ignores another part of her bad faith; she threw serious and baseless legal claims at two (2) actually innocents citizens/witnesses and federal information sources and by doing so one of the actually innocents citizens/witnesses and federal information sources met an unlawful death August 5, 2005-that being Melinda “Lindy Harrison” Honerkamp.
Experience suggests that the quality of a pleading is inversely proportional to the volume of legal theories it attaches to an events in litigation where KAREN MATLOCK violated the Texas Constitution to advance the RICO enterprise of billionaire attorney JOHN M. O’QUINN. KAREN MATLOCK [with taxpayer revenue] made no attempt to marshal facts pursuant to the mission statement of the OFFICE OF THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL clearly proving your office violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practice Act (emphasis added). KAREN MATLOCK’S assertion are desipient and of these claims in a federal civil rights litigation was unprincipled – ranging from reckless to malicious and she must pay for the harm she has done and she must pay with her life – requester has and will continue to seek the death penalty.
Bottom line, KAREN MATLOCK must pay for the harm she he has done since she entered a court case October 25, 2004 filed IN THE SDTX Carol Ann Davis v. City of Jersey Village ETAL numbered 4:03-CV-HO-02395 . Requestor warned of its intent to seek sanctions in a letter dated August 30, 2006 and before the first attempt to vacate the verdict in a trial where KAREN MATLOCK had no business and still has no business except now as a defendant to a MURDER. KAREN MATLOCK knew then not only that her case certainly lacked merit but that sanction was a distinct possibility and requested are documents to demonstrate you have met your obligation connected to the Rules of Professional Conduct and reported the violations of state and federal law to the Texas State Auditor and the State Bar of Texas ( even though they are complicit with DPS Special Crimes and KAREN MATLOCK as it relates to Melinda Honerkamp video testimony connected to the crimes of CARLA HENDRICKSON ROBERSON CUMMINGS – and the reckless and negligent referral of attorney Joe Jamal and where Lindy said an illegal deal was made “not to depose the well-site guy” so that the lawyers could perfect a RICO scheme and bilk innocent shareholders. These are the same characters/actors where DPS Special Crimes with the O’QUINN LAW FIRM [ and an ex- trooper Charles Soechting disseminated the TCIC.NCIC TLETS government data bases not pursuant to the Texas Government Code Subchapter”F” and you are aware represented in the “CAPIAS” client that was not expunged like KAREN MATLOCK repeatedly advise the court in her ‘motion’ and before the bench. KAREN MATLOCK lied to a FEDERAL COURT JUDGE – and know before this investigation is over [ where she is desipient to think otherwise] it is intended to be learned how many other cases did KAREN MATLOCK LIE TO A FEDERAL COURT JUDGE because she has found the federal courts to such a comfortable place to spin baseless litigation. As a precautionary matter the action of firing KAREN MATLOCK is requested in no uncertain terms today.
Finally requested are the August 21, 2009 9:40 AM tape recordings of the requester articulating the RICO crimes of KAREN MATLOCK.
Respectfully submitted,
Original Emailed Aug 21-09 9:47 AM
Carol Ann Davis
25311 Sugar Valley Lane
Spring, Texas 77373
Copies to:
Judge Ewing Werlein JR.
Attorney Jerry S. Payne
Texas State Auditor [-Lucy Cantu]
(512) 936-9554 facsimile (512) 936-9812
Texas Attorney General
Greg Abbott
Public Information Office
General Counsel Davison
Mr. Reg Hargrove
Post Office Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711- 2548
Re: Open Records Request “C” for August 21, 2009 and demand for payment of COST plus attorney fees and expert fees and the firing of KAREN MATLOCK FOR CAUSE.
Mr. Hargrove:
The undersigned requestor has filed various complaints against attorney KAREN MATLOCK and her “special friends” [co-conspirators] under the RICO and common-law theories in court and with the OFFICE OF THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL and your office is reckless and negligent and has not fired KAREN MATLOCK as of this writing. This breach of duty is UNACCEPTABLE and TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL GREG ABBOTT is required by law to stop playing games because that is what he is doing and his actions personally meet the RICO statue of a criminal chain conspiracy and that his ‘governmental’ business practices are not authorized or mandated by anything other than self dealing- I intend to disgorge attorney fees paid to the government lawyers and any others who obstructed justice and came to a federal court case to exact RETALIATION and do effect the same ignored the Texas Constitution about a TEXAS DOUBLE STANDARD where KAREN MATLOCK “risked her law license” and is allowed by her continued employment further the criminal RICO chain conspiracy where she murder my friend, hurt my father and MY CHILDREN and that is just the tip of the ice berg.
Damages sought and intended to be sought treble damages under the RICO claims that included: (a) fraud on the court and obstruction of justice (b) mail and wire fraud, (c) receiving funds taken by fraud, (d) transporting persons to defraud among other related criminal activity including a bevy of state and federal violations. Common-law claims included: (a) fraud, (b) knowing participation in breach of fiduciary duty, (c) conversion, (d) theft, (e) conspiracy, and (f) negligence. Requested are documents connected to the resignation or the intent to fire attorney KAREN MATLOCK for cause and or for the professional misconduct described herein. Put another way; fire KAREN MATLOCL T O D A Y and provide me confirmation it will facilitate a settlement and immediately lessen the work load that I have intended for this office.
October 25, 2004 (at 67) KAREN MATOCK, David Talbot JR., Edward D. Burbach, and GREG ABBOTT violated the Texas Constitution and interfered in a federal civil rights case absent legal authority; (a) fraud, (b) negligence, (c) conspiracy to violate RICO, and (d) conspiracy to commit fraud, and those violations led to the murder of a federal witness namely Melinda “Lindy Harrison” Honerkamp. As you are aware requestor/plaintiff has provided this office ample opportunity via OPEN RECORDS ACT ( FOIA) to produce a basis in fact and law where there is a very good possibly your office wasted over twenty million dollars of state revenues to exact revenge and RETALIATE against two women [were not only married to state officials] but federal information sources one of which is recognized the other by confidential agreement and the OFFICE OF THE TEXAS ATTOREY GENERAL ignored its own opinion as it relates to dealing with federal information sources. (Emphasis added).
The Office of the Texas Attorney General posture to deny costs may be imposed directly on the party when the allegations lack factual support. Skidmore Energy, Inc. v. KPMG, 455 F. 3d 564, 568 (5th Cir. 2006). The demand for cost [not actual or punitive damages] to plaintiff and her witnesses are estimated to exceed $ 511,000.00 plus attorney fees and expert fees and your check for the same is demand TODAY. Please submit a copy of this Request for Cost of $ 511,00,00 to be paid through the appropriate channels and requested are documents where you have complied with the demand for payment of cost and the cost is estimated at 100.00 per day since the commencement of the State Bar of Texas grievance hearings attorney Betty Barrett Homminga Yarter and Carla Roberson Cummings- Texas poster child for lying and frivolous litigation, and the “unlicensed investigations” victim that was a licensed by the Texas Board of Private Investigators.
Melinda “Lindy Harrison” Honerkamp was a successful and proven federal information source – credible and this is not the case of some inept attorney filing pleadings without the client’s knowledge! KAREN MATLOCK actions were intended to harm and cause eventual death and her behavior is absent remorse and stayed the same even to this date where her continued denial is aiding and abetting the continued RICO criminal chain conspiracy described by the requestor in 4:03-CV-HO-02395 and 4:08-CV-HO-028. KAREN MATLOCK and the other co- conspirators should bear the costs she/they imposed on PLAINTIFF / REQUESTOR ETAL unnecessarily.
Requestor by OPEN RECORDS ACT requests costs- and your response is incomplete (emphasis added). These are the costs for the entire events albeit illegal connected to the “CAPIAS” client which commenced August 03, 1996 upon the issuance of a private investigator licensed to CHERYL YATES WEBB. KAREN MATOCK does not and cannot dispute the illegal dissemination or that she and the Texas Attorney General entered a court case to protect the illegal RICO business of billionaire attorney JOHN M.O’QUINN and neither move to prohibit the requestor’s investigation or speech.
Due to the illegal actions of KAREN MATLOCK the issue is whether her fees for professional services are reasonable under the circumstances and where ‘attorney’. Karen Matlock produced and examined thousands of documents, prepared for and attended several depositions, and responded to meritorious allegations of plaintiff /requestor since October 25, 2004 and even participated in a trial asking the court to introduce her as “just Karen Matlock” because that is what she preferred and she is still not fired is- NOT WORKABLE and in furtherance of the RICO chain conspiracy complained about – she is currently destroying government records and the offer of proof is in your responses to my request of document again -- NOT WORABLE.
The Texas Attorney General Office has been involved in litigation absent legal authority since October 25, 2004 –and that period has extended to over nearly five (5) years of litigation. All of the costs and fees requested are reasonable to learn and you have not produced them and or your production is incomplete and I am unable to calculate my damages, the damages to Lindy’s estate, the tort interference, and the qui tam reward attached to my name for the RICO court victims previously identified in 4:08-CV-HO-02395 (emphasis added).
KAREN MATLCOK’S lack of a proper foundation would have been disclosed by a reasonable investigation, careful of the facts, but she argued at my second deposition “the mark of a good prosecutor was to put actually innocent citizens/ people in jail and it has been detected KAREN MATLOCK is EVIL (emphasis added). KAREN MATLOCK’S claims her actions / illegal activity does not justify imposing costs on her and the Texas Attorney General ETAL- she and the TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL – ARE WRONG.
KAREN MATLOCK reliance on her faulty investigation and ‘professional’ illegal billable hour program ignores another part of her bad faith; she threw serious and baseless legal claims at two (2) actually innocents citizens/witnesses and federal information sources and by doing so one of the actually innocents citizens/witnesses and federal information sources met an unlawful death August 5, 2005-that being Melinda “Lindy Harrison” Honerkamp.
Experience suggests that the quality of a pleading is inversely proportional to the volume of legal theories it attaches to an events in litigation where KAREN MATLOCK violated the Texas Constitution to advance the RICO enterprise of billionaire attorney JOHN M. O’QUINN. KAREN MATLOCK [with taxpayer revenue] made no attempt to marshal facts pursuant to the mission statement of the OFFICE OF THE TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL clearly proving your office violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practice Act (emphasis added). KAREN MATLOCK’S assertion are desipient and of these claims in a federal civil rights litigation was unprincipled – ranging from reckless to malicious and she must pay for the harm she has done and she must pay with her life – requester has and will continue to seek the death penalty.
Bottom line, KAREN MATLOCK must pay for the harm she he has done since she entered a court case October 25, 2004 filed IN THE SDTX Carol Ann Davis v. City of Jersey Village ETAL numbered 4:03-CV-HO-02395 . Requestor warned of its intent to seek sanctions in a letter dated August 30, 2006 and before the first attempt to vacate the verdict in a trial where KAREN MATLOCK had no business and still has no business except now as a defendant to a MURDER. KAREN MATLOCK knew then not only that her case certainly lacked merit but that sanction was a distinct possibility and requested are documents to demonstrate you have met your obligation connected to the Rules of Professional Conduct and reported the violations of state and federal law to the Texas State Auditor and the State Bar of Texas ( even though they are complicit with DPS Special Crimes and KAREN MATLOCK as it relates to Melinda Honerkamp video testimony connected to the crimes of CARLA HENDRICKSON ROBERSON CUMMINGS – and the reckless and negligent referral of attorney Joe Jamal and where Lindy said an illegal deal was made “not to depose the well-site guy” so that the lawyers could perfect a RICO scheme and bilk innocent shareholders. These are the same characters/actors where DPS Special Crimes with the O’QUINN LAW FIRM [ and an ex- trooper Charles Soechting disseminated the TCIC.NCIC TLETS government data bases not pursuant to the Texas Government Code Subchapter”F” and you are aware represented in the “CAPIAS” client that was not expunged like KAREN MATLOCK repeatedly advise the court in her ‘motion’ and before the bench. KAREN MATLOCK lied to a FEDERAL COURT JUDGE – and know before this investigation is over [ where she is desipient to think otherwise] it is intended to be learned how many other cases did KAREN MATLOCK LIE TO A FEDERAL COURT JUDGE because she has found the federal courts to such a comfortable place to spin baseless litigation. As a precautionary matter the action of firing KAREN MATLOCK is requested in no uncertain terms today.
Finally requested are the August 21, 2009 9:40 AM tape recordings of the requester articulating the RICO crimes of KAREN MATLOCK.
Respectfully submitted,
Original Emailed Aug 21-09 9:47 AM
Carol Ann Davis
25311 Sugar Valley Lane
Spring, Texas 77373
Copies to:
Judge Ewing Werlein JR.
Attorney Jerry S. Payne
Texas State Auditor [-Lucy Cantu]
(512) 936-9554 facsimile (512) 936-9812
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